Brand Photography * Logo Design + Custom Brand Strategy * Web Design * Branding Social Events
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the beginning
march 24th - 27th, 2022
davenport, fl
Hi Friends!
If you joined us in October 2021 at the It's the Brand for Me Brunch, we heard you loud and clear and decided, we didn't want you to wait until October 2021 for another brandocious experience. We have secured a beautiful Airbnb in Davenport Fl. for up to 15 serious female business owners that are ready to launch their brand or relaunch for those that are already in business.
This all inclusive 3 day retreat will provide an intimate environment to allow you to get the hard questions answered and to finally implement step by step strategies needed to elevate your brand.
Plus, it is an awesome opportunity to connect, create and potentially collaborate with other like minded individuals.
You before the retreat:​
1. You have an idea (brand) but sharing it with the world seems foreign.
2. You're overwhelmed with working IN your business that you don't have time to work ON your business.
3. You're inconsistent in sharing your vision in collaborative and new client relationships.
4. You simply refuse to remain stuck in the state that you're in because you know you have more to offer.
5. You want to bring clarity and structure to your ideas.
6. You're still working your 9-5 but you believe that your side hustle has the potential to exceed your current income.
7. If you can share your idea with the world, you KNOW it will make an impact.
8. You believed branding starts with a pretty website, logo and pictures but you've since realized that much like a home, it is more than just a structure, it's what you put in it and the experiences you bring.
You Friend, need the...
What's Included
Our 3 day business branding retreat will produce the confidence needed to build a solid brand. We will have focus led sessions on topics like: How to define your ideal client, your brand personality and how it attracts your clients, social media strategies that convert, developing your brand voice .... and tons more!
If we're discussing an area you're pretty clear on, you'll have additional time to implement your new learned strategies.
When we're not dining and chatting in a productive discussion during our mastermind sessions, you'll be led through step by step task to help you put your business together like a puzzle.
General Admission Includes: $999
This is for women who are ready to dive deep and do the work to discover all their is to know about building a solid brand. Their women that are ready to do the work!
3 days 3 nights in a beautiful Airbnb Resort Style Home
Shared room with 1 other guest
3 meals a day w/Private Chef
Step by step strategy on mapping out your business brand
Educational Content (Brand Strategy, Defining your ideal client, marketing strategies that convert, basics of systems + automations etc.
Workbook/Course Material
Leave with a draft of your Branding Style Guide
Mastermind Session
Vision Board Creation
*****Financing + Payment Options are available
vip Admission Includes: $1599
This is for women who are over the wait already, their ready to reach their ideal clients through quality imagery, now that they are super clear about who their targeting.
you'll get an opportunity to shoot with Published Brand Photographer Sabrina.
3 days 3 nights in a beautiful Airbnb Resort Style Home
Shared room with 1 other guest
3 meals a day w/Private Chef
Step by step strategy on mapping out your business brand
Educational Content (Brand Strategy, Defining your ideal client, marketing strategies that convert, basics of systems + automations etc.
Mastermind Sessions
Vision Board Creation
Workbook/Course Material
Leave with a draft of your Branding Style Guide
Branding Headshots
Professional Makeup Artist
2 Hr (1:1 Post Business/Branding Coaching)
*****Financing + Payment Options are available
expected results after the retreat
* Clear brand foundation
* Instantly inspired and prepared to crush your goals
* Established business goals for 2021
* Confidence that won't wait, thanks to a solid plan of action
* Crystal clear on your ideal client and how to attract them.
* Crystal clear on your brand message
* Social Media Marketing Strategy
* New Business Collaborations
* Fun + Relaxation + Delicious Food + MUCH MORE...
founder of it all
I'm Sabrina, the owner of Be Brandocious LLC. I have experienced much if not all of what you're experiencing when trying to build a brand. With a background of corporate and ministry leadership, I have the gift of hearing a persons idea/vision and help bring it to fruition. My spiritual gifts of leadership, teaching, exhortation matched with a creative talent of telling a story through images, creates the perfect recipe to help you create a purposeful and profitable brand. Through an one on one discussion, we will get to the foundation of the who, what, when, where, and why of your brand and then...... we'll convey your story in an image or share it through video footage.
What inspired you to do this? I know what it feels like to have a vision but not having the resources or support to help me manifest what I desired. I'd help other women and it would break my heart or feel like long nails scraping the chalk board when I hear them place emphasis on the building a website and getting a logo but not having a clue who they were doing it for or why. So for years I wanted to get one room and just hash it out! Once and for all, get clear on how to spend your dollars to build your brand.
In Oct. 2021, I FINALLY took the leap of faith and hosted my first "It's the Brand for Me Brunch" which offer speakers from all business focus. As a result of this brunch, I polled you all and you asked for break out sessions and opportunities to dig more. So, the thought ....why wait another year to get your pain points addressed, why not take a select hand full and began working on your brand step by step....... so here we are!!
We only have 15 spots avail this round, so this is for highly motivated and serious individuals that are ready to elevate your brand.